
Experience artistic freedom with Louise Lalande

Mandala Magic

Join Louise for a workshop as she guides you step by step to create a mandala  that holds inspiration and is a source of power for you. Take time from your busy schedule to re-establish a bond with your intuition and inner self using the ancient wisdom of the sacred art and science of mandalas.

Painting Beauty Within

Review symbolic associations for each chakra and discover insightful reference points that hold personal power. Using these as guideposts, you will create germinal paintings whose purpose-built images can be used to support your inspired goals and bring healing. Enjoy self-care time with artPlay!

The Artist’s Way

Blast through your creative blocks and increase your ingenuity as your current reality is transformed with compassion. By unlocking old patterns and limiting beliefs, you will coCreate the life you dream of. Share your adventure and celebrate your successes one-on-one or with a group of like-minded explorers.

Painting by the Lake

What are the ingredients for a perfect day? Painting, relaxing, being with nature, swimming, and chocolates.

Choose a custom theme with demos and content that suits your group. All art supplies are provided. Make time for fun, dismiss your inner critic, and focus on the art-making experience rather than the product.

Fool around with ideas and art materials, and bring more joy and beauty into your life. All you have to do is show up!

Location: Grand Lake, Quebec (1/2 hr. from Byward Market).

Open Studio Time

How do you spell joy? artPlay!

Begin developing your own style in life – just like on the canvas. Easy, fun painting techniques and demos are included.

Too often we want to be experts, which usually means criticism of ourselves and others. Make time to reconnect with what matters most. Feel rejuvenated while building foundations for a better self.

The content is group-specific and can be formal or not. Groups of 4 minimum. No art experience is needed.

“I attended Louise’s painting workshop to reconnect with an ongoing inner desire to create art. It was exactly what I needed, a full day of exploring colours, shapes, and methods… The experience allowed me to embrace a part of me I had been ignoring for years and to discover how I express myself through paint.


I would recommend this workshop to anyone who feels the need to make art and connect to nature.”

— P. Jabouin, Ottawa, Ontario

Mandala Love Story

I don’t exactly remember how I came to love mandalas so much, or when I first started my love affair with mandalas. What I do know with great certainty is that they help to heal great pain, bring peace to life, and impress the power of their beauty in our hearts. Once...

Creating a Happier Healthier World

Did you know that happiness is a skill we can learn? Research shows that happiness, compassion, and kindness can be realized and enhanced through training. The neuroplasticity of our brains makes it possible! Happiness is within our reach. It starts from the inside...

Colour Your Zen

What makes your heart sing? What brings a big fat smile to your face? Remember the last time you noticed being happy? Are you happy? What is being happy? Is it related to euphoria, ecstasy, contentment, calm, peace, light-heartedness? Recently pondering these...

Passion on a Lay-Away Plan

When it comes to doing things we love, how many times do we have to hear ourselves say “I’ll do this when…” or “I wish I had time for this,” before we actually do what brings us joy?  Or do we even get to it at all?  In the busy lives we lead, being in the here and...

The Artist’s Way: Life as a Canvas

The Artist’s Way: Life as Canvas workshops are available in various formats: an introductory half-day, a weekend, or a 12-week course. On-demand for groups of 6 or more.  Louise Lalande, of coCreations, is the leading accredited ‘Artist Way’ facilitator in Canada...

What Colour Are Your Roots

Do you find pleasure playing with words? Much like colours, they have such splendiferous combinations and associations. So here’s one for you: When you think of “roots” what first comes to mind? The famous Canadian store, a root canal, the TV series? Or perhaps the...

Louise ~ The Facilitator

I offer opportunities for teams to explore the metamorphic effects of creative activities to unleash innate creative talent and propel creative leadership.

“We do not stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

— George Bernard Shaw

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