Louise Lalande is an Ottawa-based artist. coCreations was built with the passion of helping others establish their creative power and find inspiration in daily life.

Experience Team Building with Louise Lalande
Strengthen leadership skills, increase motivation, and learn how your team can make an impact with creative team-building or facilitated Design Thinking.

Join a Creative Community in Louise Lalande’s Workshops

No matter your artistic experience, I have just the right workshop for you! Discover your innate creativity and embody the freedom and peace that art can deliver.


My art is inspired by nature, the sacred geometry within it, and its symbiotic systems. My passion for the mystery of the invisible first brought me to practice architectural lighting design and led me to study the Light within.
I come to the canvas as an explorer. Beginning with a calm mind, my intuition guides me; each brush stroke informs the next to reveal a final product that serves as a mirror filled with metaphors. Other times I simply play with ideas and new techniques to widen my artistic repertoire for expression.
My love of colour, light and design is at the core of the many painting styles I freely delve into.
I have experienced the power of art, and come to learn how it triggers whole-brain thinking which allows new paradigms to emerge. Sharing this process and its endless possibilities to improve our lives brings me immense joy.

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